자주 묻는 질문(FAQ)







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MIDONKEY Company에 대한 FAQ

Long term business relationship has been built for years among world famous electric bicycle parts manufacturers & suppliers. MIDONKEY is proud of enjoying an extra quantity discount from them, and we can help you source the following goods in a low MOQ: 
  1. 자전거 프레임 : 탄소 섬유 자전거 프레임, 알루미늄 합금 자전거 프레임, 스틸 자전거 프레임;
  2. 브레이크 레버;
  3. 시트 백;
  4. 페달;
  5. 브레이크: v 브레이크, 디스크 브레이크, 등;
  6. 체인;
  7. 바퀴;
  8. 핸들;
  9. 포크 : 풀 서스펜션 프론트 포크 등;
  10. 바구니;
  11. 원뿔;
  12. 반사경;
  13. 허브 모터: 기어드 모터, 기어리스 모터 등;
  14. 살;
  15. 가장자리;
  16. 타이어: CHAOYANG, CST, KENDA, 등;
  17. 밸브;
  18. 종;
  19. 철근 끝.
If no any of these are in the list and you really want us to assist you, please contact us.
MIDONKEY has set up 5 warehouses globally. If you happens to live nearby, then you can buy our products near you. Contact us for the very latest stocking information in all warehouses.


→ 문의

MIDONKEY currently have 5 overseas warehouse:
  1. 아일랜드
  2. 미국
  3. 캐나다
  4. 독일
  5. 영국
If you have open space or warehouse that covers an area of 3000m² and above, please feel free to contact us. Or maybe you're interested in becoming our overseas distributors/agents, please don't hesitate to reach out.
MIDONKEY have 8 loading ports around China, they are: 
  1. 광저우 항구, 광동;
  2. 심천 항구, 광동;
  3. 상하이 항구, 상하이;
  4. 타이저우 항구, 장쑤 성;
  5. Jiangyin 항구, 장쑤 성;
  6. Xingang 항구, 톈진;
  7. 닝보 항구, 닝보;
  8. Beilun 항구, 닝보.
MIDONKEY have 2 production base and sales office in major cities at home and abroad. 

Our Production Base:
  1. No. 1, Hekang Road, Changping Town, 동관, 광동;
  2. 아니오 9의 Xingye 북쪽 도로, 하이테크 지역, Jianghua, Yongzhou, 후난 성.

Our Sales Office:
  1. Pinghu 거리, 심천, 광동, 중국;
  2. No. 1, Hekang Road, Changping Town, 동관, 광동.
MIDONKEY is a 7 years high performance ebikes manufacturer in Dongguan, and also have the authority of import & export. We mainly dealing in ebikes and and its upstream and downstream products, mainly divided into 4 parts:
  1. 전기 도시 자전거;
  2. 전기 산악 자전거;
  3. 자전거 액세서리;
  4. 소싱 고품질 전기 자전거 부품. SHIMANO, CST, CHAOYANG, KENDA, BAFANG, SHENGLI, KANAVANO 등을 포함하여 수년간 협력해 온 브랜드...